Under Creative Construction Video

Through this TLEF project, Dr. Shroff and the Library collaborated to create two Open Educational Resources in video form, debuted as part of Dr. Shroff’s Political Science class in fall 2018. UBC Studios assisted Dr. Shroff with the interview filming.

In the first video, Under Creative Construction: A More Just World, UBC public health educator and researcher Dr. Farah Shroff joins local activists Dale Edwards and Morgane Oger in a dialogue on the importance of creativity in social and environmental justice movements around the globe.


In the second video, Sparking Better Health: Improving the Lives of Women and Girls Through Integrative Practices, Dr. Shroff introduces us to Maternal and Infant Health Canada (MIH Can), an international consortium of doctors, researchers, and traditional healthcare practitioners, dedicated to working collaboratively with localized healthcare workers, traditional medicine providers, and community members to improve the wellbeing of infants and mothers.