Librarian & Archivist Statement of Commitment to Open Scholarship
In support of the UBC Open Access Position Statement, the following Statement of Commitment affirms UBC librarians and archivists as champions of open scholarship through advocacy and service to our community and seeks to bolster the principles of openness in our discussions, decisions, and priorities. To support transparency and to develop actionable goals that meet the aspirations of this statement, we are seeking UBC librarians and archivists as signatories and partners in progressing open scholarship in the library.
Open Scholarship Aspirations
UBC Library values openness and is committed to adopting open scholarship practices in teaching, learning, and research. Open scholarship in this context refers to all forms of openness in scholarly environments that inform how knowledge is created and shared, including open access, open education, open data and open research. With roots in democracy, equality and social justice, open scholarship operates under the assumption that the systems, infrastructures and products of our work should be made transparent and accessible when ethically and legally permissible. Within the university community, the library plays a central role in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. We acknowledge our responsibility to model the values of open scholarship in the work we do.
In alignment with the strategic directions of UBC and the tireless advocacy work of students, faculty, and staff, UBC librarians and archivists aspire to:
- maintain copyright and ownership over our intellectual output while providing access to research produced by the library through deposit in UBC’s open access repository, cIRcle, or other relevant repositories
- provide access to teaching resources with an open copyright licence (e.g. Creative Commons) to promote the use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions
- create and maintain a web environment that permits reuse of website materials through the inclusion of open copyright licenses
- engage in collection development and discovery practices that support the needs of students and scholars while championing open access alternatives and contributing to an equitable and sustainable academic publishing ecosystem
- support strategies and procedures that aim to make all components of the research process openly accessible and reusable
- communicate transparently about the work of the library to our community, both locally and globally
- release data acquired or generated by UBC library as open by default, where appropriate
- support, promote, and contribute to open source software, including the tools we use in the library and provide to our community
As a librarian/archivist at the University of British Columbia, I will strive to meet the aspirational goals as set out in the Librarian and Archivist Statement of Commitment to Open Scholarship and will seek to engage in principles of openness in my discussions, decisions, and practices in UBC Library.
Alexandra Alisauskas, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Susan Atkey, Reference Librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences Department, Koerner Library, UBCV
Eugene Barsky, Research Data Management Librarian, Research Commons, UBCV
Charlotte Beck, Liaison Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV (Retired)
Helen Brown, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Rebecca Dickson, Discovery Systems & Services Librarian, Technology, Discovery, & User Experience, UBCV
Ursula Ellis, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Erin Fields, Open Education & Scholarly Communications Librarian, Scholarly Communications & Copyright Office, UBCV
Emily Fornwald, Education Librarian, Education Library, UBCV
Prubjot Gill, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Christian Isbister, Indigenous Initiatives Librarian, UBCO
Mayu Ishida, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Jane Jun, Southern Medical Program Librarian, UBCO
Vanessa Kitchin, Knowledge Synthesis Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Alexandra Kuskowski, Learning Services Librarian, Chapman Learning Commons, UBCV
Sajni Lacey, Learning and Curriculum Support Librarian, UBCO
Donna Langille, Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian, UBCO
Krisztina Laszlo, Archivist, Rare Books & Special Collections, UBCV
Arielle Lomness, Collections Librarian, UBCO
Aleha McCauley, Community Engagement Librarian, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBCV
Kristina McDavid, Librarian, Undergraduate Medical Education, Woodward Library, UBCV
Katherine Miller, Nursing Librarian & Land and Food Systems Librarian, Woodward Library, UBCV
Marjorie Mitchell, Copyright, Scholarly Communications & Research Data Management Librarian, UBCO
John Moran, Archivist, UBC Archives, UBCV
Anne Olsen, Liaison Librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences, UBCV
Sarah Parker, Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBC
Susan Paterson, Government Information Librarian, Koerner Library, UBCV
Sarbjit Randhawa, South Asian & Himalayan Studies Librarian, Asian Library, UBCV
Larissa Ringham, Digital Projects Librarian, Digital Programs & Services, UBCV
Amber Saundry, Digital Repository Library, cIRcle, Digital Initiatives, UBCV
Stephanie Savage, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Services Librarian, Scholarly Communications & Copyright Office, UBCV
Chelsea Shriver, Rare Books & Special Collections Librarian, Rare Books & Special Collections, UBCV
Bronwen Sprout, Head, Digital Programs and Services, Digital Programs & Services, UBCV
Robert Stibvray, Digital Projects & IT Infrastructure Librarian, Digital Initiatives, UBCV
Adolfo R. Tarango, Cataloging & Metadata Library, Technical Services, UBCV
Sally Taylor, Head Librarian, Woodward Library & Biomedical Branch Library, UBCV
Wendy Traas, Education Librarian, Education Library, UBCV
Claire Williams, Forestry Archivists, Rare Books & Special Collections, UBCV