UBC Library Assessment Criteria for Open Access Publishers
The Open Access Collections Team reviews new acquisitions and renewals for open access materials in consultation with subject matter experts, and makes recommendations to the AUL Collections. The coordination of funding allocations is handled by the Associate University Librarian, Collections.
The team is responsible for reviewing current subscription and membership renewals, requests from faculty and SMEs, and publisher and vendor requests made to the Library. The team members complete an evaluation process for all resources with criteria developed in consultation with librarians and the Associate University Librarian, Collections.
UBC Library endorses the CRKN Assessment Guidelines for Open Access Publishers developed by the Content Strategy Committee (CSC). The CRKN Assessment Guidelines for Open Access Publishers of financial sustainability, academic quality, and operations are used when assessing open access proposals from vendors and publishers.
For Publisher and Vendor Requests
To ensure the Open Access Collection Team can make the most informed decision possible about your collections, consider providing the team with the information listed here and/or the location of where the information can be found. The evaluation process includes a rating system and a lack of transparency can impact the decision. To contact the Open Access Collection Team, email scholarly.communications@ubc.ca.
The following sample criteria are used in the evaluation process of open access subscriptions and membership renewals. Download the Open Access Collection Criteria [PDF, 484 KB].