Open Access Position Statement
- One of the enduring goals of the University of British Columbia is to create and disseminate knowledge;
- UBC is committed to disseminating the research performed at the university in ways that make it widely accessible, while protecting the intellectual property rights of its authors;
- Changes in technology offer opportunities for new forms of both creation and dissemination of scholarship through Open Access; which is broadly defined as free availability and unrestricted use of scholarly works;
- Open Access also offers opportunities for UBC to fulfill its mission of creating and preserving knowledge in a way that opens disciplinary boundaries and facilitates sharing knowledge more freely with the world; and
- UBC has operated an Open Access repository since 2007 in cIRcle which is operated and maintained by the University Library.
The Senates of the Okanagan and of the Vancouver Campus endorse the following statements.
- Faculty members are encouraged to deposit an electronic copy of their refereed and non-refereed research output and creative work in cIRcle in accordance with applicable copyright arrangements which may be in place for that work.
- Where a faculty member has deposited a work with cIRcle, cIRcle shall be granted a non-exclusive licence to preserve and make publicly available the research contained therein.
- The authors of works deposited with cIRcle will maintain ownership of their rights in the works.
Approved by the UBCO and UBCV Senates in 2013.

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