Open Access & Publication Discounts

UBC Library’s commitment to open access extends to securing licensing agreement and memberships with a variety of publishers and organizations. This provides benefits to researchers at UBC, often through discounts on article publishing costs (APCs) for open access publishing. For additional information about open access funding, visit Funding Opportunities

Discounts apply to current UBC faculty, students, and staff unless otherwise stated.
All discounts are in USD unless otherwise stated.

The A to Z list of discounts is organized by publisher name. Look up the publishers’ name to find the journals available for discount


American Chemical Society (ACS)


Discount Available for all ACS Hybrid Journal Titles

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use an email address with a UBC suffix ( and select UBC from the drop-down box. Confirm that the institutional affiliation stated in the body of the manuscript is the corresponding author’s affiliation.

BioChemical Society


Discount Available for all BCS Journal Titles

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

BioMed Central (BMC)


Discount available for all BMC Journal Titles

Application Instructions: Submitting from a UBC IP address will grant the membership discount automatically. If submitting from a non-UBC IP address, select UBC in the dropdown list as the affiliated institution and BMC will verify. UBC affiliated open access articles are automatically deposited to cIRcle, UBC’s institutional repository.



Discount for UBC subscribed Journal Titles

Application Instructions

Corresponding author must use an email address with a UBC suffix ( and select UBC from the drop-down box. Confirm that the institutional affiliation stated in the body of the manuscript is the corresponding author’s affiliation.

If prospective authors are members of the Society for Endocrinology, the European Society of Endocrinology or the Endocrine Society of Australia they may also be eligible for further publishing discounts and can check the details with the editorial office.

BMJ Case Reports


Fellowhisp discount for UBC subscribed Journal Titles

Application InstructionsLogin with your CWL to access the fellowship code for the discount.

Open Access fees are separate from fellowship fees. To learn more about open access costs, review the BMJ Authors page

Canadian Science Publishing

25 – 100%

UBC-affilitated authors are eligible for 100% discount on the journals: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Canadian Journal of Physics, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Genome, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering

UBC-affiliated authors are also eligible to receive a 25% discount on CSP Hybrid journals.

Application Instructions: Upon article submission to CSP using ScholarOne, the corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Cambridge University Press


Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: Cambridge uses an automated system, RightsLink, to associate authors with their affiliated institutions. The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Electrochemical Society


Discount Available for all ECS Journals

Application Instructions: Review the submission process available on ECS Plus.

Elsevier ScienceDirect


Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions:

The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

To learn more about the author workflow and article acceptance process, consult the author workflow.

IGI Global


8 fully paid APCs per year

All IGI Titles

Application Instructions: Please email Arielle Lomness ( for the waiver code. Code’s are given on a first-come, first-served basis every calendar year. The APC is waived when the author is accepted for publication – IGI will notify the author that a waiver for the APC is available from UBC.

Institute of Physics Journals


Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: The APC is waved when authors submit articles to IOP using ScholarOne, which includes an autofill field for corresponding authors to indicate their affiliation. See IOP Science guide for submitting under a transformative agreement.

Intellect Journals


Discount Available for all Intellect Journals

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

John Benjamins Publishing


All John Benjamins Publishing Company Journals

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

The publisher will automatically arrange for Open Access publication. The author(s) will see this in the proofs of the article, where Open Access information will be added in the footer and the funding section. For more information see the John Benjamins Publishing Company Open Access Policy page.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development


The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD)

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.



Discount Available for all MDPI Journal Titles

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Microbiology Society


Discount Available for all Microbiology Society Publications

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

Oxford University Press

10% – 100%

Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: Upon article acceptance for publication in a hybrid journal, the corresponding author will begin the publication workflow process within OUP’s system. A customized message notifies the author upon login that their accepted article is eligible for open access at no cost (will refer to their institution and CRKN as providers) and the default selection for the author is to publish the article open access at no charge.

The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation.

Please review the step-by-step guide to open access publishing for authors.

Public Library of Science (PLOS)


Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

*PLoS Medicine, PLoS Biology, and PLoS Sustainability & Transformation are not included. 

Royal Society of Chemistry


Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.



Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

To learn more about the author workflow and article acceptance process, consult the user guide .



Discount Available for all Springer Open Journal Titles

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

To learn more about the author workflow and article acceptance process, consult the submission guidelines.

Taylor & Francis


Discount Available for all Taylor & Francis Open Select Hybrid Journal Titles

Application Instructions: To take advantage of the discount on T&F Open Select hybrid journals, submit your article and choose the open access publishing option. When the APC is generated, select University of British Columbia from the drop-down menu, and the discount will be automatically applied. The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “”. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

The National Academy of Sciences


Discount Available for all National Academy of Sciences Journal Titles

Application Instructions: This discount is only applicable to authors who choose immediate open access, and will be applied by PNAS upon acceptance. The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.



Search for the applicable journal titles using the CRKN “Search for Journals”

Application Instructions: The corresponding author must use a valid institutional email ending with “” and select the University of British Columbia as their institution of affiliation. Ensure that the institution mentioned in the manuscript matches the corresponding author’s affiliation.

See Wiley’s Publisher Services page for more information on eligibility criteria and the submission process.