Author Rights & Publisher Agreements

As an academic author, your goal is to get your work published in the best journals or publications in your field. Most publishers will ask you to sign an author agreement that could transfer copyright completely to the publisher, or require you to seek permission to reuse your own work.

We urge you to retain your rights so you can reuse your work in the classroom, on personal websites, or in future publications. The following addenda can be inserted in your contract to retain rights such as reuse in teaching, or posting on a university website:

SPARC Canadian Author Addendum

SPARC Author Addendum

You should also become familiar with the different Creative Commons licenses available, so you can set the conditions for how your work is accessed and reused.

How we can help you

Our librarians can help you navigate the complexities of author rights and publisher agreements as it relates to your intellectual property and copyrights. We offer individual consultations to:

  • Review publisher agreements for maintaining copyright over your work
  • Navigate publication versions and reuse rights
  • Understand the implications of Creative Commons licenses

Find more information:

With the exception of the images, the content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.